Pedal Steel Page Really Olde!

These songs were part of a collection recorded over the July Fourth Weekend 1992 in Florida. This being their 27th anniversary, I decided to make them available both for sentimental reasons and so folks could hear what I sounded like a quarter century ago.

These are some of my favorite songs to play pedal steel with. Another one I played a lot was Look At Us by Vince Gill; but alas, I couldn't sing it at the time, and most likely, nothing's changed. Special thanks goes to Doug Jernigan who showed me how to play the Tom Brumley parts to I Sang Dixie (by Dwight Yokum).


Talk to Me, Texas    Originally Recorded by Keith Whitley

I Sang Dixie    Originally Recorded by Dwight Yokum

She's A RailRoad Lady    Recorded by Keith Whitley / J.D. Crowe Live

Feed Jake    Originally Recorded by Pirates of the Mississippi

Please Don't Bury Me    Originally Recorded by John Prine; no pedal steel on this one, but tons o' Dobro!  Give it a listen!

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